Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Need to Save Afterschool and Our Non-profits

By Sam Piha

We can't stop educating the public and policy makers on the value of afterschool and our non-profit providers.

SAVE OUR NON-PROFITS: Congress has ignored the non-profit sector as they consider the COVID-19 Stimulus Package. Read more.
Source: Council of Non-profits

FEDERAL FUNDING FOR AFTERSCHOOL: Once again, the current Presidential administration is proposing a federal budget calling for the elimination of funds for afterschool and summer learning programs for 1.7 million young people. Policymakers in the House and Senate have the power to decide whether local afterschool and summer learning programs will receive the funds they need to remain open.

Tell your members of Congress to protect the programs America's children and families rely on, and invite a policy maker to visit an afterschool program. Also, participate in the next Lights On Afterschool event.
Source: www.afterschoolnetwork.org

Below are some resources to learn more:
Below are some resources for California programs:

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