Monday, February 27, 2023

Addressing COVID Isolation: Get Kids Moving! (Part 2)

Source: A World Fit For Kids

By Sam Piha

Research suggests that physical activity and outdoor education can help young people recover from isolation and fear experienced due to the COVID pandemic. In this blog, we continue with our interviews with youth development experts, Ed Center from The Village Well and Brad Lupien and Bob Lund from ARC Experience.

“Adolescents coming of age during the pandemic have experienced social “learning loss,” and will need remedial support in social, not just academic, development, …. And at a time when recess and physical education programs may feel a squeeze from schools seeking more time for reading or math, studies suggest boosting students’ physical activity time also has an important role. It may help students rebound from the social isolation many have experienced during the pandemic.” - Sarah D. Sparks, Kids Are Feeling Isolated. P.E. May Help Them Bounce Back

Q: What are some physical activities you would recommend for youth in afterschool? 

Ed- The most important thing is to offer a range of free or low-cost opportunities for different types of activity. I'm surprised that our culture still labels children as athletic or not based on just two factors: speed and coordination. If you can get to the ball first and do something cool with the ball, you are athletic. What about those who can run for miles, who find joy in the wilderness, who want to lean into their flexibility, who harbor hip-hop, half-pipe, or pirouette dreams? 

Generally, after school programs do a decent job of exposing kids to different activities to explore interests and passions. My criticism is that public schools and afterschool programs usually fail to take the next step, giving youth opportunities to pursue those passions through deep engagement and mastery. Our programs offer the six-week karate enrichment options, but how do we support the kid who finds a calling and wants to go further? We chose our local park and recreation after school program for our kindergarteners because of the diversity of the students, and because they practice tennis every day (shoutout to Tennis Learning Center in San Francisco).

Brad and Bob- The simplest way to get students moving is to have them play. Offering opportunities to play games that don’t just reward the tallest or strongest students will encourage more participation rather than limiting it to the best athletes. From an outdoor perspective, introducing students to new challenges and experiences in a low-risk, low-pressure environment allows us to meet students where they are. On the simplest end, a simple hike to a new destination gets kids out and moving (and away from their phones). If resources allow, geocaching, kayaking, bike riding and rock climbing are all wonderful ways to encourage students to push their own boundaries, to explore their communities and to build their self-confidence, along with their physical strength.


Q: Are there any resources that afterschool leaders can use to develop physical activities for youth? Would you advise any training for staff and coaches?

Ed- The resources are already there in the community. The key is to provide program staff with time, flexible resources, and training in partnership development. Someone has a cousin who is passionate about West African dance and would love to bring that to the students. That person should be paid for their time and given a small budget for supplies or field trips. Let's stop the scarcity and tireless hustle mentality.

Brad and Bob- Many of us in education get caught up on the idea of having the right “gear” as the reason that we deliver boring physical activities, as if the equipment is what makes games fun. Many students are reluctant to try something new out of fear of failure, so training staff to encourage effort and participation, not just results is huge, as it builds an environment where all are welcome, not just the best athletes. Your staff can be your greatest asset in that they can leverage their existing relationships with students to get them to try something new and to push themselves—just a bit—out of their comfort zones. In that same vein, if staff are playing too, they will have more fun and you’ll see a sizeable increase in student participation as they can both more actively manage the game as well as provide behavioral role models for the activity.


Ed Center
Ed Center is a queer brown dad who coaches parents and other kid-raisers toward greater connection, calm, and joy. Ed worked in education for 25 years, starting as a high school teacher, always focused on the needs of kids of color. During the height of the pandemic, Ed’s son suffered an acute mental health crisis. Searching for support, Ed discovered the field of positive parenting and learned strategies and tools to strengthen his connection with his son, leading to healing for the whole family. However, Ed was frustrated with the lack of attention to diverse cultures and traditions in the positive parenting courses and literature, as well as a dearth of focus on healing trauma in children and parents. He started to bring more connection, joy, and healing to families of color. The child of a Filipino American mother and White-American father, Ed grew up in Hawai’i, and feels at home there, in the Philippines, in San Francisco, and wherever he smells good barbecue. The Village Well, which Ed founded, focuses on an approach to parenting that starts with your own wellness and healing and moves to building more connection and meaning with your family. They offer culturally grounded support that honors your unique family.

Brad Lupien
Brad Lupien is President & CEO of ARC Experience. His career began as a teacher and social worker in the juvenile justice system and as a special education teacher in Boston, MA. He taught middle and high school young people identified as having behavioral and emotional disabilities. To address his students’ multiple risks, Brad began an afterschool Outdoor Education Club for his gang-involved students. He modeled the method after his experience serving as a summer guide for teens, leading month-long adventures in the Rocky Mountains. Previous board roles include Interfaith Family, Learning in After School & Summer (LIAS) Region 11 Workforce Advisory Group, the youth Take Action Campaign, San Diego Education Synergy Project. Lupien is a team member of the Policy Committee for California Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education and a Steering Committee member of the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3). Lupien was recently appointed by California Senator Pro Tem Toni Atkins to the Governor’s California Before- and After-School Advisory Board.

Bob Lund
Bob Lund is the Director of Outdoor Education Programs at ARC Experience. Growing up in Long Beach, Bob was fortunate to have had many opportunities to appreciate the outdoors from an early age. Because of his family’s frequent camping and off-roading trips as a child, he was well suited for taking on a variety of staff roles at summer camp including high adventure, aquatics, and in camp administration. His natural leadership abilities and affinity for outdoor adventures drew him to join the Boy Scouts at a young age and he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in 2001. Bob spent his career working with high schoolers with special needs and delivering exceptional enrichment programs to students of all abilities throughout the Pacific Southwest.

ARC Experience is an award-winning, nationally recognized organization running afterschool and experiential education programs for the past 20 years in communities throughout California. They provide afterschool, outdoor, enrichment, and leadership development to elementary, middle, and high school students as well as college students and professionals.


Do your children or students trigger you? Do you match anger with more anger? Or do you want to hide from conflict? When we face certain situations, our bodies react with fight/flight reactions. You CAN interrupt these reactions and replace them with productive responses. You can hold calm power, both inside and out.

This webinar will dive into the habits, tools, and techniques that help both you and your kiddos stay regulated. We’ll cover:
  • Your reactivity profile,
  • Closing the stress cycle,
  • Regulation techniques for kids and grown-ups,
  • Mindfulness for the fidgety,
  • Personal wellness plans,
  • What to do when the sh*t hits the fan
To learn more and register, click here.

Play comes natural to kids and to out-of-school time educators! Research across youth development and education fields have identified principles that define playful learning and the positive youth outcomes that can come from intentional play. In this webinar, we will explore this topic and learn about free resources you can use to incorporate high-quality playful learning opportunities into your programs and how to advocate for more play in the lives of children. To learn more and register, click here.

Monday, February 20, 2023

How Many More?

Source: Time Magazine, Carlos Osorio- AP

Guest Blog:Submitted by the American Educational Research Association (AERA)  

We are saddened by the tragic loss of life and harm caused during the deadly shooting at Michigan State University, and we offer our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and communities of the victims. The shooting comes as a stark reminder of the tragedy of gun violence and is just the latest in a long string of similarly traumatic events at U.S. schools and higher education institutions.

Source:, Ryan Garza, USA Today Network

We again call on our national, state, and local leaders to take immediate action to address gun access, safety, violence, and mental health. AERA needs to issue these statements too often—most recently about the shootings at the University of Virginia, the Central Visual and Performing Arts High School in St. Louis, and the University of Idaho; in Buffalo, N.Y.; and at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Other recent statements include deadly shootings in Pittsburgh; at Santa Fe High School; at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; at Sandy Hook Elementary School; in Charleston, S.C.; at Umpqua Community College; and in Orlando.

These traumatic events call for urgent attention and interaction. Together we must ensure that students and educators, whether at school, on campus, or elsewhere, are able to live and thrive safely and securely.

Note: Photos added by Temescal Associates. 

See prior LIAS Blogs on school shootings:


The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Founded in 1916, AERA advances knowledge about education, encourages scholarly inquiry related to education, and promotes the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Find AERA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

Monday, February 13, 2023

Addressing COVID Isolation: Get Kids Moving! (Part 1)

Source: A World Fit for Kids

By Sam Piha

Many youth who returned to school this year were socially isolated due to the pandemic. While schools are concerned with academic learning loss, schools need to understand that young people may be fearful and anxious. How can we help? Get kids moving!

During the COVID shutdowns young people had few opportunities for exercise and playing with friends. 

Research suggests that physical activity can help young people recover from isolation experienced due to the COVID pandemic. Research also suggests that physical activity in nature can help young people recover from the isolation and fear experienced due to the COVID pandemic. To learn more, check out our LIAS Blogs on Play and Nature.

Source: Girls Inc.

“Our results suggest for those students that are returning to school and that were socially isolated ,” Enrique Pérez-Cardona, a professor, and the chairman of the education department at the University of Puerto Rico said. “The school has to be prepared and define a good physical education program, so those children can try to release those negative effects of isolation.” - Sarah D. Sparks, Kids Are Feeling Isolated. P.E. May Help Them Bounce Back 

“At a time when recess and physical education programs may feel a squeeze from schools seeking more time for reading or math, studies suggest boosting students’ physical activity time also has an important role. It may help students rebound from the social isolation many have experienced during the pandemic.”Sarah D. Sparks, Kids Are Feeling Isolated. P.E. May Help Them Bounce Back 

To learn more, we interviewed three youth development experts: Ed Center from The Village Well and Brad Lupien and Bob Lund from ARC Experience. You can find a complete bio for these experts at the end of Part 2 of this blog.

Q: Research suggests that physical activity can help young people recover from isolation experienced due to the COVID pandemic. Do you believe this is true?

Ed- This is key in a biological and a sociological way. Stress itself is not a bad thing. Stressful events are part of life and can help us build assets and resiliency. Stress becomes toxic when we are unable to complete stress cycles, meaning that our fight-flight systems kick in with adrenaline and cortisol, but we don't move through them into safety, resolution, and calmness. 

The simplest way to complete a stress cycle is to move. A brisk walk is great, dancing is phenomenal, soccer is transformative. Physiologically, this metabolizes the stress hormones and brings us back to equilibrium. The social components of physical activity are equally important. Young people connect through physical play, whether through organized sports, dance, or skipping stones across an urban lake. 

Source: NHP Foundation

Every teacher and afterschool leader reports that we've seen a delay in social skills over the last three years. Outdoor play, supported by nurturing adults, offers a perfect environment for kids to build these skills and form the connections with peers and adults that are the hallmark of positive youth development.

Brad and Bob- Absolutely. We are seeing that, in addition to learning loss and socialization issues caused by the COVID pandemic, many of our students have seen downgrades in their physical fitness. Getting outside and moving around, especially with a group of friends, allows many of our students to not only improve their physical health, but also their mental health and feelings of connectedness as well.

Q: Research also suggests that physical activity in nature can help young people recover from isolation and fear experienced due to the COVID pandemic. Do you believe this is true?  

Brad and Bob- Outdoor education is a great way to experience the world around them while affording opportunities to socialize in a safe manner. When properly done, guided physical activity in the outdoors has a litany of benefits, including building community and trust with peers, reducing feelings of isolation as well as providing opportunities for self-control and to demonstrate grit.

Q: There is pressure for afterschool programs to divert their resources away from things like physical activities and outdoor ed to address academic learning loss. What are your thoughts on this?

Ed- Yes, we have a learning loss crisis and need to address that. What perpetuates that crisis? In large part, we have a mental health services gap, a connection gap, and a lingering malaise for black and brown youth whose families bore the brunt of pandemic sickness, death, and economic difficulty. My son goes to a tony private school. Are they freaking out about learning loss? No. They are giving themselves years to help their students catch up, in the meantime they continue to emphasize field trips, experiential learning, service learning, sports, dances, and social activities. Let's stop quantifying poor kids as numbers that need to be improved and start creating rich learning experiences to prepare them for life. These experiences include connection, wonder, play, and movement.

Brad and Bob- We’ve all heard the saying “what gets measured gets done” and this is often all too true in K-12 education. Unfortunately, this has meant a shift towards standardized testing and numerical evaluation of our students and those numbers—which get measured very precisely—become the focus rather than on building whole, well rounded individuals. 

Physical activity and exercise are important parts of the human experience, even if they aren’t as easily quantifiable as a math test. Programs that encourage students to move and play provide a wealth of positive results, including improving student’s mental health, and can provide a force multiplier effect, increasing the student’s performance in the other parts of their school day.



Do your children or students trigger you? Do you match anger with more anger? Or do you want to hide from conflict? When we face certain situations, our bodies react with fight/flight reactions. You CAN interrupt these reactions and replace them with productive responses. You can hold calm power, both inside and out.

This webinar will dive into the habits, tools, and techniques that help both you and your kiddos stay regulated. We’ll cover:
  • Your reactivity profile,
  • Closing the stress cycle,
  • Regulation techniques for kids and grown-ups,
  • Mindfulness for the fidgety,
  • Personal wellness plans,
  • What to do when the sh*t hits the fan
To learn more and register, click here.

Play comes natural to kids and to out-of-school time educators! Research across youth development and education fields have identified principles that define playful learning and the positive youth outcomes that can come from intentional play. In this webinar, we will explore this topic and learn about free resources you can use to incorporate high-quality playful learning opportunities into your programs and how to advocate for more play in the lives of children. To learn more and register, click here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Radical Power of Kindness and Joy in Afterschool Programs

By Sam Piha

It seems we live in a time in which meanness is in vogue, whether it's social media, political discourse, cyber bullying, violent actions, or hate crimes. To learn more we interviewed Stu Semigran, Co-Founder and President of the EduCare Foundation. His responses are below.

Q: Do you agree that meanness is in vogue? And why do you think this is so?

A: It certainly appears as if discord, againstness, and striking back is increasingly evident in our world.  Many people are feeling threatened and fearful with a great need for power, to gain control, and stake out positions of being “right” and claiming others as “wrong”. Righteous judgment is on the loose. On one level, people are dealing with more stress and are looking to feel more secure. One misdirected approach for establishing a sense of personal security may be to stake out a position, hold on tight and defend it, and then combat anything that might shake that position- threaten that false sense of inner security.


It takes a strong sense of self (apart from our righteous beliefs) and a solid foundation to withstand and be receptive to other points of view. Building that deeper core of self-awareness and self-acceptance leads to a freedom to step into a world where opposing opinions, beliefs, and points of view are not threatening. 

Building greater self-acceptance and self-compassion opens the way to more readily respond to others with more acceptance and kindness. The path out from meanness- to tolerance, to understanding, and to compassion- is each person’s responsibility. Educating towards that is the aim of Heartset® education.

Q: How would you define “Kindness”?

A: Kindness is a generosity of heart. It is expression of loving in action. It has infinite expressions. It may be a mere thought, a wish, or prayer for another. It is a willingness to risk sharing love and compassion and perhaps being rejected or misunderstood. Kindness can be expressed quietly or very demonstratively. It may be seen or go unnoticed. Nonetheless, it is setting a tone, a pervasive foundation of caring and unconditional love. 

Kindness provides the encouragement and the fortitude to keep going when life is tough by knowing that you are valued, supported, and cared for. 

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”- Desmond Tutu


Q: What can we do in afterschool to prevent meanness? What can we do in afterschool to promote kindness?

A: As adults we can promote kindness by taking care of ourselves, expressing kindness with others, encouraging our students to treat themselves kindly, and by teaching kindness activities on a regular basis so it becomes a way of relating. There are many excellent resources for teaching compassion, empathy, and kindness. One, developed through EduCare, is Making the Best of Me: A handbook for student excellence and self-esteem, that includes over 200 easy-to-use, engaging activities for afterschool and school day classes.

Community service projects are terrific opportunities for students to build the lifestyle habit of expressing kindness. Practicing acts of kindness individually and as a group or class are impactful, joyful ways to begin to redirect a pattern of meanness to one of acceptance and compassion. Acts of kindness and community building become important parts of the kindness formula. The mindset and heartset of giving and receiving kindness set a personal habit and lay a solid foundation for students to continue to develop throughout their lives.)

Source: EduCare, Lynwood, Ca.

Q: Can you give an example of kindness between youth and their peers or community?

A: One example is the Take Action Campaign (TAC), a far-reaching initiative launched in 2008 by Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD’s) Beyond the Bell and facilitated by EduCare and several community partners. TAC gives thousands of high school students leadership opportunities by celebrating the arts, serving their schools & their local communities, and empowering them to mentor their peers. Projects have included volunteering at homeless shelters & food banks, environmental cleanups, tree planting, food and clothing drives, unity building events, and student led advocacy campaigns around issues important to them. In school year 2022-23, students from 37 LAUSD high schools are participating in TAC.

Q: You recently wrote a book Heartset Education: A Way of Living and Learning. Can you say a little about the book and whether it would be useful for afterschool leaders?

A: Students need to have their minds ready to learn. However, to become active learners, a lot of our young people need more than that. They don’t just need a new mindset; they need a new heartset. When the heart is set in a good place, the mind is open and receptive. When heart is troubled, the mind is cluttered. So heart and mind have to go hand in hand. 

Q: Can you describe what the Educare Foundation does? 

A: EduCare Foundation’s mission is “to inspire and support young people in empowering themselves to become responsible citizens, courageous and compassionate leaders, and live their dreams.” In 1987, EduCare piloted the ACE (Achievement and Commitment to Excellence) Program in one Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) middle school. ACE focuses on the social-emotional learning (SEL) elements of character development, personal management, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. EduCare’s flagship ACE Program became the forerunner to the educational movements that today bear many names: Character Education, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Trauma-Informed Teaching. To learn more about EduCare’s efforts, check out their website here.

Q: Why did you start this organization? 

A: Why EduCare? It was a chance, an opportunity, a pressing need that I saw to do something that I thought was missing in education- to address an obvious need of my students who were coming into my classroom when I was a middle school teacher in LA. I could see that they were lost in many ways. For many, their wholistic needs, not just physical needs, but their emotional, mental and social needs as well, we're not being addressed and attended to.

I wanted them to be healthier and happier and be in a place to succeed academically. I felt they needed to develop greater self-awareness and personal development tools so they could believe in themselves, ignite their desire, and gain the skills for creating a successful and fulfilling life. I wanted the chance to touch their hearts, open their minds, and hopefully assist them in empowering themselves to transform the trajectory of their lives. 

Michael Funk
“As I drove up to the school, the blighted neighborhood was giving off all the signals of distress. But when I walked into the school, it was like when the Wizard of Oz turned from black and white to color! You could feel the positive energy, the love. I have been around high quality after school and youth development work for over 25 years. What I witnessed while visiting the ACE Program was some of the most transformational and powerful moments I have ever seen.”- Michael Funk, Director of Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education 

[You can view a Zoom webinar featuring Stu on this topic, by clicking here.]


Stu Semigran is the Co-Founder and President of the EduCare Foundation. With over 35 years of experience as an educator, he has facilitated thousands of youth, professionals, educators and parents in Heartset® education, SEL, leadership development, and afterschool management. His new book, Heartset® Education: A Way of Living and Learning, has been rated a #1 Amazon New Release Bestseller. His previous book, Making the Best of Me: A Handbook for Student Excellence and Self-Esteem, is used in schools worldwide. He was recognized in 2012 as a David Chow Humanitarian Award Foundation recipient for his service to youth. 


Play comes natural to kids and to out-of-school time educators! Research across youth development and education fields have identified principles that define playful learning and the positive youth outcomes that can come from intentional play. In this webinar, we will explore this topic and learn about free resources you can use to incorporate high-quality playful learning opportunities into your programs and how to advocate for more play in the lives of children. To learn more and register, click here.

Do your children or students trigger you? Do you match anger with more anger? Or do you want to hide from conflict? When we face certain situations, our bodies react with fight/flight reactions. You CAN interrupt these reactions and replace them with productive responses. You can hold calm power, both inside and out.

This webinar will dive into the habits, tools, and techniques that help both you and your kiddos stay regulated. We’ll cover:
  • Your reactivity profile,
  • Closing the stress cycle,
  • Regulation techniques for kids and grown-ups,
  • Mindfulness for the fidgety,
  • Personal wellness plans,
  • What to do when the sh*t hits the fan
To learn more and register, click here.

Girls, Social Media and Mental Health (Part 2)

Source: By Sam Piha This is one blog in a series of blogs regarding the issue of social media and youth mental health.  Bod...