Monday, December 12, 2016

What Can You Do to Implement a Strategy for Racial Justice in the Next 7 days?

By Guest Blogger, Lynn Johnson 

Lynn Johnson, Spotlight: Girls
My plan for the next 7 days was to have a few meetings, do a bunch of busy work on the computer, attend a local theater production, see some friends, read a little. Certainly engage in some Netflix. Pretty standard stuff. Nothing world changing.

Then last week, I attended the How Kids Learn Conference in San Francisco. I heard Dr. Shawn Ginwright of San Francisco State University speak about how youth programs can and should address racial justice. This was one of those paradigm-changing speeches that you remember forever.  

Dr. Shawn Ginwright, SFSU
In it, he calls for us to attend to "radical healing." He charged those of us who work with children and youth to focus our work on two areas:

  1. Collective Healing from the all of the harm that so many of us has suffered due to structural racism and implicit bias
  2. Transforming the Systems that caused the harm in the first place

At the end of his speech, he left us with this challenge - "What can you do to implement a strategy for racial justice in the next 7 days?"

Now, I have a new agenda for the week. 

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