Monday, June 6, 2016

Master of Mindfulness

By Sam Piha

Sam Piha
We have seen through research and practice that mindfulness can be a very effective tool for schools and afterschool programs to promote social emotional learning (SEL) skills and "grit". 

In a previous post, we have described "Master of Mindfulness" - a book created by youth from Reach Academy in East Oakland, CA and our Mindfulness in Afterschool partner, Laurie Grossman. The book is in its third printing and is available on AmazonThe majority of royalties from the sales of this book will be donated to a fund to support the post high-school educational or vocational endeavors of the twenty five authors who co-wrote the book. 

These young authors, their book, and the power of mindfulness was featured in a recent piece aired on KTVU TV. You can check it out by clicking on the images below. 

Part 1
Part 2

For more information on how to bring mindfulness into your afterschool program, contact us by writing to

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