Friday, November 20, 2015

Register Now: How Kids Learn V Conference

By Sam Piha

Sam Piha
Preparing youth for success in career and work is an important responsibility of the expanded learning movement. If we are to achieve economic equity, young people must have access to activities that prepare them. This means starting with activities for young children to build their "soft" skills and help make them aware of diverse career fields. It also means offering experiences for older youth that build their "soft" and "hard" skills and experiences in workplace settings. (See previous posts on Employability Skills and on the Work-Based Learning Continuum.)

This will be the focus of our upcoming How Kids Learn V Conference, in Berkeley on December 10, 2015 and Los Angeles on January 21, 2016. 

Hear from leading thinkers and researchers, and innovative afterschool practitioners. We will also feature a number of young people who will tell us how preparation experience in expanded learning programs affected their lives and how we can be more successful. 

Speakers will include: 
  • Pedro Noguera, Distinguished Professor of Education, UCLA (LA Only)
  • Jenny Nagaoka, Deputy Director, University of Chicago and lead author of the recently released Wallace Report entitled, Foundations for Young Adult Success (Berkeley Only)
  • Alvaro Cortes, Executive Director, Beyond the Bell/LAUSD (LA Only)
  • Alex Taghavian, Vice President, Linked Learning Alliance
  • Michael Funk, Director, After School Division at the California Department of Education 
  • Beth Kay, Linked Learning Manager, Foundation for California Community Colleges
In addition to the above speakers, we will host a bevy of workshops led by innovative practitioners who work with young people, K-12. Workshop topics include:
  • Serving Elementary School Youth
  • Serving Middle School Youth
  • Serving High School Youth
  • Partnering with Community Colleges
  • Youth Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise
  • “Girl Power”: Serving the Needs of Girls and Young Women (Berkeley Only)
  • “Cyber Patriots”: Preparing Youth for Success (LA Only)
For more information, go to

To register:

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