Friday, March 21, 2014

Quality Standards Work Group – Phase II Stakeholder Input

By Guest Bloggers, Diego Arancibia, ASAPconnect and Katie Brackenridge, Partnership for Children & Youth, Co-Chairs, CAN Quality Committee

Dear expanded learning time stakeholder –

Diego Arancibia
The California AfterSchool Network (CAN) is excited to announce the launch of the Quality Standards Work Group – Phase II, which is providing further context and description of the 12 California quality standards. 

We would love your input about these descriptions as the Work Group begins its first draft.  Please visit this page on the CAN website by April 2nd to give your ideas and suggestions.  There will be additional opportunities to provide input to the first drafts between April 9 and May 2, 2014.

As background, phase I of the Work Group developed 12
Katie Brackenridge
quality standards for expanded learning time programs that were adopted by the California Department of Education (CDE) After School Division (ASD) in January, 2014.  The group recommended that a second phase of the work be initiated to further describe for the field what the standards look like in action.   As a result, the Quality Standards Work Group II was created.  This group is charged with making recommendations of examples of standards in practice or indicators for CDE/ASD’s expanded learning quality standards, and a matrix of existing quality assessment tools that could be used to measure progress toward quality standards.

For more information about Phase II, please visit this page on the CAN website where you will find more detail about this work, a timeline for your input and a list of Work Group members.

Thank you for partnering on this exciting work. 

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