Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Glossary of Terms for Afterschool and Summer Programs

By Sam Piha

Sam Piha
There are a growing number of important terms that are used in the expanding field of out-of-school learning. In this glossary, the LIAS project lists some of these terms and offer working definitions. It should be noted that sometimes terms have different definitions depending on the user, organization or the geographic location in which it is used.

This glossary is a wiki-like effort with contributions coming from a number of programs across the country. If you would like to see us add a term, you can send the term and definition to spiha@temescalassociates.com. We will periodically expand the glossary and reissue it to the field. Definitions, which are taken directly from other sources, are noted and the references can be found in the endnotes. 

To download this glossary, click here. You can find other valuable resources by clicking here.

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