Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Real Afterschool Programs that Reflect the LIAS Principles

By Sam Piha

Sam Piha
We were recently contacted by an afterschool leader who exclaimed "I love the LIAS learning principles, but can you give me some real life program examples that would make them more real?" We responded by asking program leaders to submit examples of program components that they felt nicely represented the LIAS principles. We have now assembled them in a published paper entitled, Afterschool Programs That Reflect the Learning in Afterschool & Summer Learning Principles. We are also planning, in partnership with Change Agent Productions, to develop a video of program practices that are well-aligned with these same learning principles.

Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Team),
a component of Club Timberwolf at Julian Jr. High School

We welcome your comments on this paper. We are currently looking for examples that come from summer programs. If you wish to submit a component from your summer youth program, you can do so using a Survey Monkey form

ALSO: We want to call your attention to some important new resources - 
  • A webinar entitled Expanding Science Learning Opportunities During Out-of-School Time, which is being presented on June 20, 2012 from 10:30am - 12:00pm PST. Click here for more information.
  • A new website entitled A Time to Succeed, which serves as a source of information for those interested in expanded learning efforts.

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