Monday, January 31, 2011

Jennifer Peck Appointed Director of Transition Team; Sam Piha Honored with High School Innovator Award

By Michael Funk

Jennifer Peck
Congratulations to Partnership for Children and Youth Executive Director Jennifer Peck, who begins the New Year as Director of the Transition Advisory Team for Tom Torlakson, newly-elected California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. When Mr. Torlakson served in the California legislature, he was a strong advocate for afterschool. Mr. Torlakson’s Transition Advisory Team is a bipartisan group of educators, and labor, business and community leaders that will provide strategic advice on key issues impacting California students, schools, school districts and the California Department of Education.

Jennifer is on part-time leave to the Superintendent’s office for the next few months. She is uniquely positioned to provide specific recommendations on afterschool and summer programs, as well as on community schools.

Sam Piha
Congratulations also to Sam Piha, co-director of the Learning in Afterschool project, for receiving the Step Up High School Afterschool Innovator Award in Leadership and Vision. This award was given by the California Afterschool Network and recognized Sam for his vision and leadership in promoting the potential of high school afterschool programs and his efforts to build program quality statewide. To view Sam’s award poster, click here. 

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